We finally went to the Indian place right outside the gate! It is delicious!! The best flavors are sometimes found in the most unique things. The mutton curry was delicious!! But the chicken kebabs were the best! No, I take that back, I loved their saffron rice!!
Even Christmas stockings are way different in Japan! This looks like the shape of the tin man's boots in the wizard of oz. But "Happy Merry Xmos" just the same!!
A friend drove me to these beautiful grounds! Hopefully next year we can take some family pictures here! As you can see, a lot of the leaves are gone, but it's still beautiful!
(This was a tori gate! It had the fountain and cleansing cup on the side!)
It was just beautiful!
And then we found Jesus... Or else the ghost of Christmas present! I couldn't decide which!
Ramona drove, it was lovely!
Then a couple of a girls had a lovely night out... Walking through Misawa, I apparently found my hangout ;)
It wasn't this place? It was scary inside!
We came here... Wherever that is! But the Japanese people inside LOVED us! They bought us some sake and the owner fed us some yummy snacks!!
Then I went to the cement factory and met moustachio... I'm sure that's this kitty's name!
But I did pick up one of these really cool cheese boards!!
This morning I went with some friends to the cake house. We enjoyed this lovely milk tea service (I loved the egg timer, waiting for the tea to steep!)
My 'surprise'dessert!! There was a green tea and chocolate mousse in the cake! The mango sauce was delicious, I think it was my favorite part! But the chocolate swirls were so pretty!
I've had so much fun in misawa!! I'm glad we're here for a while!!