Winter is alive and well in Japan!!! Sometimes, I can't even see the road!!! Or even the ditches on the side of the road! I pray a lot while I'm driving!
We love Pink Sushi... Nicole's just too cool to admit it.

Actually, we went there twice this week! We got doc to go with us the first time... Then we went with some friends! We tried to go ice skating, but of course we went on the one day that all Japanese students were out of school but still in organized groups at every attraction around town... So we went to Pink sushi again!!!
I love it!
I now know what they mean about the snow ruts... They don't plow in town. So your car is on a track, like Autopia at Disneyland, and you can't get out of 'em! We'll, you can, but the car usually slides right back in them!!
We had an osc social and they taught us some Japanese calligraphy.
Nicole used her snowboard goggles so she wouldn't cry when cutting the onions.... I don't think it worked...
So I found a display thing at the recycle shop for my calligraphy... Apparently I wrote it sideways!!!
I was invited to attend a Japanese fine dining luncheon with some other ladies from base. It was amazing! Once we finished a tasting in each course, out came some more food!!!
This appetizer was so good!
Actually, here's a better picture:
But this sushi was divine! Shrimp, scallop, some kind of white fish, and a white, Japanese potato slice...
A salmon salad...
More food... A monkey brain... Actually, I don't know if that was correct! It had a delicious roasted/fried chicken underneath!
Another amazing fan dance!
A hula!!
Another course!!! This was a tenderloin with a seafood gratin.
We were coerced into singing 'now I'm back from outer space...' Okay, I don't even know the name of that song!!
The ladies got up and started dancing to our song! It was so cute!!!
Another course!!!
This is my friend Setsu. She has a beautiful voice and sang a song for us, too!
Then we played a game of bingo! The funny thing is that they kept calling numbers until EVERYbody won a prize!!!
Then came dessert! They rolled out these carts, one had a coffee service, the other had desserts... They plated and delivered a selection to each table.
At the end, they played some of the songs from the Obon parade I danced in way back in August.... Everyone in the room got up and danced (me, included!).. It was like Japanese line dancing!
Oh, it was so much fun! By the time we left, we were all VERY full, roasting (it was so hot in that room!), giggling, and we each had a prize to take home! It was a blast!!
Nana, these are like the Finnish horses GaGa gave us.... But they're Japanese. I need to look into them... There may be a story there...
The ice finally crashed off our roof today, it was massive and incredibly loud! I'm lucky I wasn't on the porch! Tink, too!!
And I love this raspberry cheesecake mochi ice cream!!