This was the 'leftovers' of snack... They poured it all on a bowl and served it at the potluck!
And the same chow mein was a shield over my fried rice!). And the mango sorbet was delicious! Not overly sweet... And the frozen mango cubes were more delicious than the sorbet! The sauce was amazing, too! Guess I should go have it again!!

We also celebrated our 12th anniversary at the beginning of the week! A dozen wonderful years with my BFF! We went out to eat and this restaurant where we ordered raw meats and grilled them at our table. Everything was delicious! I ordered the chicken kebabs and that beautiful salad! (It had a chow mein-type fence...

We finally purchased from the egg vending machine.... The eggs were not cold, but not warm, either... Cool. But we haven't 'broken into them' yet!!!

These are Japanese grapes... Aren't they tiny and cute? They are also super sweet and delicious! (And pretty pricey, too. But so is all fruit here in Japan!)

'nuff said! I haven't been running much this week, but with vbs, I haven't done much of anything else, either! I started a new goal to complete 20 miles before September 11th... (It was 1 month when I created the 'challenge'... And I'll be really close to completing 100 miles this calendar year!!) I only have 18 to go!! (And then 5 or 6 after that) My sister joined my challenge on the Nike+ ap.... I wish I could run with her, though!!
And school starts in 10 days! And hopefully my HHG will be here before then!!
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