It's been a busy week! First I killed a batch if lemon blueberry cinnamon rolls with some inactive yeast...

Then we went to the air show... Walked about a mile in the rain to get there, I made nic walk through all of the vendors, then we walked home a different route. People drove from all over Japan to see the airshow! It was wise that we didn't drive!!!

But I only saw 2 planes in the demo because the rain just never let up...
During the dog pawty, Nicole went clamming! She dug up some little clams while wading in the water... I steamed them in garlic and butter and they were so perfect! Clean, sweet, and tender! I served them over linguine with crusty bread!

I also celebrated 20 years since my life was returned to me. 20 years after my avm, I am still a survivor!

This week the wives on base had a potluck lunch with the wives from Misawa. They taught us how to make dumplings and shared many wonderful kinds of food with us! They requested that we bring American food.... So I made Mac 'n cheese! What's more 'murican than that?!?

I also completed my 2nd New Years resolution this week! (I still have yet to start on the first!). I completed 100 miles! Now I will have a better gauge for next year!

The governor of Missouri sent me a medal for completing 100 miles!!

Then we had this silly golf social! With a caddy shack theme!

I may or may not have tried golfing in my cute Toms!!

And as I was walking back to my car I found this business....

I love Japan!!
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